Eden Carpenter is a leading expert in Human Design for Business, Manifestation, and Abundance

In the spiritual coaching community she is known as a “Human Design Prodigy” because of her effortless ability to translate this system into understandable terms.

She has created the Intuition Lifestyle brand as a platform to teach others how to create an aligned life and business. She does this through highly valuable and educational free content through Instagram and her podcast “The Intuition Lifestyle Podcast” as well as offers Human Design sessions, digital courses, group coaching programs, a high level mastermind, private coaching, and a cutting edge Coaching Certification program.

Her mission is to blend ancient wisdom with modern science to women across the globe in simple language.


She taught herself online marketing, website building, Human Design, and Gene Keys all  while completing her Bachelors of Science in Nursing. 

How she uses her Human Design in Business

Eden focuses the majority of her efforts around her vocation (a term from Gene Keys) which is in gate 62.3. This is the gate of details and the Gene Key “The Language of Light”. What she does best is translate dense information and complex topics into digestible terms. She is a teacher at her core and is here to teach mastery level information. This can be seen throughout her ebooks, social media content, podcast episodes, and digital courses. She does this in the energy of a 3 line, which is taking something that already exists and creating it into something that is more broadly applicable. She takes the information from Human Design and Gene Keys to create digestible content that is applicable to modern day life.

Outside of Business

Outside of business Eden is a military wife and Registered Nurse. She recently decided to step away from actively working in healthcare to focus her efforts on her business,  certification program and remodeling a new home. She spends a lot of time staying active, traveling, baking gluten free cookies, learning new things, and celebrating life!