Generators: The Action Portion of the Collective

Generators make up around 35% of the population. I call them the action portion of the collective, and if you think about it, while we need guidance, initiation, and reflection, having the majority of the population be designed to take action makes sense. This is also why our world is so driven by productivity and action taking.

What makes a generator a generator is the defined sacral center in their bodygraph. There is one other type that has a defined sacral center, Manifesting Generators, so being able to follow the circuitry is important for spotting the difference! Below are all generator charts. Each of these has the sacral center defined, and two have the throat center defined. You will notice that there is a split, or gap, in the definition between the sacral and the throat meaning that there are no motors connecting to the throat center. This is the difference between generators and manifesting generators.


Having a defined sacral center is what creates generator types, and this center is one of the major things that divides the five human design types. The sacral center is the center of creation, life force energy, and pleasure. This is a motor center, which means it operates like a battery. This center is recharged by things that are satisfying, and when truly aligned, this can create a feeling of endless energy.

Generator energy wants to follow through and get things done. It craves that sense of accomplishment and achievement. When generators are doing something they truly love, they will be fueled by the satisfaction of the project. This gives them more energy and will allow them to work for long periods of time without burnout. The things that will drain a generator is anything that does not light up their sacral center. Generators are designed to feel energized, playful, excited, and satisfied. If they are not feeling like they have access to an unlimited amount of energy, they are most likely out of alignment. 

When a generator finds what they love, they are able to consistently gain satisfaction from those things. These are your individuals who can eat the same thing every single day, do the same workouts, and talk about the same things over and over. While to other types this can feel exhausting, generators are here to find a specific craft that lights them up and master it. This takes time, practice, and dedication, all of which a generator is happy to dedicate because of the satisfaction they receive from their chosen craft.

When they enter this mastery level energy, they become the go-to person for that topic. In business, these are the coaches who have been doing the same thing for years and have dominated their chosen niche. These are the people who thrive on consistency and should be encouraged to follow their joy, even if that is the same thing day after day. They may occasionally enjoy branching out, but it is not required for them to live happy and satisfied lives.


Interested in a beginners guide to interpreting the details of your human design chart? Check out DECODED

Interested in a nervous system regulation tool based in Human Design, Rapid Resolution Therapy, with a dash of magic? Check out MESSY!


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