How I Run My Business According to My Design

Running your business according to your energetic blueprint is an act of spiritual selfishness. Often times the choices you will find yourself making to align with your energy don’t make sense from a logistic standpoint. If you care about what other people think, then this can cause you to doubt what feels correct and choose the conventional path instead of facing your own discomfort and identity boundaries. This is spiritual because you have to constantly transcend your own limitations around who you believe you can be, in order to feel confident enough to even ask for what would support your energy. 

Working with your energy is a combination of behavioral and identity work. Every aspect of my chart that I have embodied and used in my business has come with both identity shifts and behavioral or structural shifts. I believe that my business will constantly be shifting and evolving, simply because that is how my energy works. Every step has required permission, deconditioning, and action in order to implement. So while I will be sharing specific action steps, please keep in mind that action alone is not what creates an aligned business.


Type: Manifesting Generator
Being a manifesting generator is not only my type, but a large part of my overall personality. My conscious sun and earth are in gates 34 and 20, which creates the only manifesting generator channel in the bodygraph. The sun is responsible for around 70% of the neutrinos conditioning that we experience. This is my only conscious channel. 34 is defined in both of my pluto gates as well, and it is the ONLY gate defined in my sacral center. That means the only way I consistently generate is through manifesting. 

I use my type in my branding a lot. I talk about being a manifesting generator. I reference my actions as being in alignment with my type. I share my chart often so that others can see it and make the connection. Most people know my type and can look at me as an example of what it looks like to be a manifesting generator. I include my type in most introduction content I do, it is readily available on my social media, and I share specific details around how I operate according to my type often (like right now!).  


Strategy: Wait to respond, inform 
There is some controversy around the strategy for manifesting generators. Because MGs have a defined sacral, they have a sacral response that is going to outweigh any other strategy in their aura. In my experience, because my response is through the 34-20 channel, it typically feels like I am responding and then waiting on my emotional authority to give me the go ahead to initiate. I actually feel the need to keep the decisions secret until I can take action, because if I just share the idea I have already expressed it, and then I feel like I lose the momentum. 

I get a lot of ideas and work on a lot of secret projects. If nobody knows what I am working on, it hasn’t manifested yet. That means I am still building and responding and buzzing with excitement about the project. It’s almost like I have to keep the excitement to myself so that when I do initiate, I have built up enough sacral excitement and momentum to carry me through the whole project. Because once I initiate, I don’t want to stop until it is done. So, I want to make sure I have enough sacral energy to finish whatever it is that I am starting without relying on willpower to finish. 

I am patient, and I put my energy where my excitement is. I have canceled, changed, edited, and rearranged things constantly to adapt to what is lighting me up. I have been trying to make podcasts the primary content of my business for over a year, and I never got past ten episodes. I had resistance towards hiring a podcast manager, making an introduction, recording episodes, and learning how to edit audio. All of the things around podcasting didn’t light me up, but the idea of having a podcast, a place to just talk and share my ideas, DID light me up. When I was ready to respond to that frustration and take a deeper look, I recognized that podcasting just wasn’t doing it for me. So I decided to just write instead. Once I realized that what I was trying to manifest was a place to share my ideas with more room and space than instagram captions, all of the energy that I had built up over the year of working on the podcast came through.


Authority: Emotional 
My emotional authority has been challenging to come to terms with. I have been told my entire life that I need to learn how to control my emotions, and I assumed that anyone who had control of their emotions didn’t feel them strongly. So any time I had a strong feeling, I decided that meant I was out of control of my emotions. Now I know that I will always have big emotions, and being able to control them looks more like committing to a decision instead of trying to avoid and fight my very big emotions. 

In business, I make sure to give myself a few days for any decision. When hiring a new team member, deciding to join a program myself, or figuring out what new direction I want to go in next, I give myself permission to take a few days. If I don’t know yet, I need more time to come to emotional clarity. I work on constantly maintaining my emotional state by checking in with how I feel often. Because my emotional authority is defined unconsciously, it is difficult for me to identify how I feel and put words to emotions. Instead of pushing myself to take figure it out, I just feel it: without judgement, analysis, or evaluation. 

My emotional center connects to my ego center, which has gate 26 defined consciously. Because of my triple split, gate 26 is the only conscious expression I have of my emotional decisions. It is through this gate that my unconscious emotional decision communicates the answers to my conscious self to respond to. When I have emotional clarity, I need to use that energy from both motor centers to commit to a decision. The best way for me to figure this out is by asking what I want right now and what I need in order to feel the way I desire to feel.

Last month, I was emotionally processing the decision to be done with the income plateau I have been in for the past few months. I had lots of feelings swirling around me for a few days, and it felt like mental confusion. Any time I tried to journal, I would come up blank. So, I left it alone until I felt a clear nudge to get specific about how much money would feel like overflow this month for all my current expenses and desires. I came up with a clear number that represented financial overflow and abundance for me this month, and I decided I was going to let it happen. I put all of that emotional energy and willpower behind that decision and committed to having it happen.


Profile: (6/2) Role Model, Hermit
As a 6 line profile, people learn best from me when I share examples from my personal experience. Seeing me do things and in my process is helpful, so I talk about my experience. It has taken a lot to get comfortable being seen. There are aspects of my design like my 2 line, my undefined G center, gate 40 unconscious sun, and passive environment style that confirm that I enjoy my alone time. I started by sharing what I was currently going through with my mastermind and private clients. I got feedback that just watching me in my process and hearing what I was navigating was the most valuable part of the container - even though the coaching and content was incredible. Then, I started sharing it in my group coaching programs and courses and eventually social media.

I used to think that talking about myself was selfish. My business and content isn’t supposed to be about me, right? So I focused on keeping myself out of my content. Offering solutions, solid facts, information, and very little of me and my energy. This worked - but felt exhausting and frustrating. Whenever I share stories, I get personal thank you messages because my honesty and transparency sparked something inside of them that was exactly what they needed. If you read this far, it means you too have benefitted from my example. I didn’t teach you anything about your design in this blog, but hopefully you now have some sort of reflection, comparison, and reference point to help you embody your own design even more.




If you are interested in furthering your education on how to use your human design in business, check out my Aligned Launching program.

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