Manifesting Generators: The Multi-Passionate Hybrids

Manifesting generators make up around 30% of the population. They will have some similarities to both manifestors and generators. On one side, they will have the defined sacral center, which will provide them with that generator joy and sustainable energy. On the other side, they will have a motor center directly or indirectly connected to their throat, and they will have the urge to start new things and initiate things like a manifestor.

Even though they have characteristics of both types, they are still their own unique types. A lot of literature will lump them together with generators and say that they need to solely follow the generator strategy and authority, however, mani-gens are a completely unique type. They have aspects of both manifestors and generators, but also have traits that are completely unique to them. If we use the flavors analogy, manifestors may be salty and generators may be sweet, and manifesting generators are that unique combination of both sweet and salty which creates something new and unique.


Manifesting generators will find themselves in a spectrum where, based on their chart, they will experience more manifestor or more generator energy. The true “manifesting generator” channel is channel 34-20 which is the direct connection between the sacral center and the throat center. If this channel is defined, the MG will have more manifestor energy and will need to be intentional about following manifestor strategies and be aware of the manifestor themes, as well as the generator ones. If the MG has multiple channels that connect motor centers to the throat center, there will again be more manifestor energy. If the MG has only the sacral center defined and it is indirectly connected to the throat center, they will resonate more with generator literature. 

Manifesting generators have the sustainable energy to get things done like a generator and the motorized throat center that allows them to speak things into existence very quickly. They have energy that wants to get things started and energy that wants to get things done (so they can move onto the next thing). Mani gens are here to multi-task, be multipassionate, and move very, very quickly. They will bounce around following what lights them up, and get really good at many things in their lifetimes. The things that light them up will change, and they are designed to follow that joy and follow that pleasure. They are here to redefine what is realistic; they move quickly and skip steps. They are here to build and create, but with a much more loose structure that allows for more freedom and variety than generators.



Interested in a beginners guide to interpreting the details of your human design chart? Check out DECODED

Interested in a nervous system regulation tool based in Human Design, Rapid Resolution Therapy, with a dash of magic? Check out MESSY!


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