How to Use Your Human Design to Find Alignment in Business

Sep 30, 2021

Using human design in your business is a combination of behavioral changes and identity work. 

The system provides biofeedback loops that give you a glimpse at the mechanics of your personal behavior. Knowing how to recognize and interpret this biofeedback allows you to change your habits and behaviors.

This system also deals with aspects of your identity and challenges your awareness of who you are in relation to the world around you. You have to recognize your talents before you will...

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The Nine Centers

Sep 22, 2021

The human design system is based on several other systems. When you look at the bodygraph, there are nine shapes that we call centers. These centers are based on the traditional Chakra system. If you are familiar with the Chakra system, you will see that there are only seven Chakras and the human design system has nine centers.

In the late 1700s, human design tells us that we as humans evolved from seven centered beings to nine centered beings. This happened when two of the seven centers...

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