Reflectors in Business

Nov 01, 2021

When we talk about reflectors, we are dealing with some of the most intuitive and beautiful goddesses. Your reflector clients are here to predict patterns and prevent disasters. They can be truly unbiased judges. They are here to reflect and serve a 'we' energy; they are here to support the collective.

Some of my favorites happen to be The Balanced Blonde and The Skinny Confidential on Instagram. Both are reflectors, and something I love about both is they both talk almost in a 'we' sense,...

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Lunar Authority

Sep 21, 2021

The last and most rare type of authority is the lunar authority. Only one human design type can have this authority, and that is reflectors. Reflectors will have no centers defined in their charts; all will be undefined. They still have 26 defined gates like everyone, but the combination of gates will not form any channels and will not define any centers.

Think back to the example of the board meeting where all of the centers come together to make a decision. Reflectors have no defined...

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