Podcast Episode 40 - The Energetics of Procrastination

Jan 16, 2023

I want to be discussing why you aren't doing the things you say you want to be doing, and why you're not doing the things you say you want to be doing or think you want to be doing. We're talking about procrastination and energy and motivation. Procrastination is not about laziness. I think that lazy is a conditioned identity and name that our capitalistic society has given us, because in capitalism we feel like we have to be working all the time, and if you're not doing, doing, doing, doing,...

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Defined Sacral Center

Oct 21, 2021

There are around 65% of the population that has the sacral center defined. That means that when it is defined, there is not often a lot of conditioning around this center. This center generates the energy that allows our collective society to function, move, flow, and continue to build and create new forms of life. This center is the largest motor center in the body, and when you have this defined, you have access to sustainable energy. You are here to take action and get things done. You...

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