What To Do If You Do Not Have a Specific Birth Time For Your Chart

Dec 10, 2022

For a human design chart, what do you do if you do not know your specific birth time? 

It's really common in this world to be told that you need your exact birth time because there are a lot of things that change very, very quickly in your human design chart. The planets move similar to hands on a clock through the different astrological signs, through the different gates, and that's how definition is created in the body graph. That specific time is really important because something...

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Conscious and Unconscious Designs

Oct 21, 2021

The quantum human design chart takes into consideration two dates: your birth date and your design date. The design date is based on the birth date, and is calculated based on the position of the sun at the moment you were born. The design date is 88 degrees away from the conscious sun in the rave mandala.

The black lines on your human design chart represent what gates each planet was activating the moment you were born. The moment that you are born is the moment your soul enters your body....

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