Abundance is Contagious

Nov 18, 2021

When I first started working on my relationship to money, I wanted to share what I was learning with everyone, especially those close to me. I was feeling better about myself and my financial future for the first time ever, and I felt like everyone needed to experience it too. So I tried to push it on others and convince them that they should do it. I was met with a LOT of resistance. After I got frustrated, I decided to redirect that energy into my own process and growth. 

What I noticed was t...

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Undefined Root Center

Oct 21, 2021

Around 47% of the population has an undefined root center. When you are alone, you are relaxed and unbothered and can live life at your own pace. The problems begin when you are sucked into the vortex of the outside world and start to experience stress that your center is not designed to handle. You feel pressure and stress from the outside world, not as an internal drive.

You don’t have consistent access to the adrenaline needed to carry you through the tasks you need to complete. You might b...

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Undefined Splenic Center

Oct 21, 2021

When the splenic center is undefined, you personally have an inconsistent sense of what is healthy for you and what is not. Part of the lessons you are here to learn deal with health and learning what is best for your physical body. You do innately have the ability to sense what is healthy for someone else when you are around them. Sometimes you may pick up on what is healthy for someone else and assume that it is generally healthy for everyone, and then try and have it be healthy for you.


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Undefined Sacral Center

Oct 21, 2021

Only around 35% of the population has an undefined sacral center. When you are in the minority like this, you are very likely to have a lot of conditioning in this area. For anyone with this center undefined, they look around at other people and see the joy, the pleasure, the sustainable energy, and feel bad for not having it.

These individuals are not here to hustle and take action nearly as much as generators and manifesting generators. These individuals are designed to offer things other th...

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Undefined Emotional Solar Plexus Center

Oct 21, 2021

The individuals who have an undefined emotional center are feeling into the emotions of others. These are the true empaths of the world, and sometimes these are the people (and children) who are labeled as being highly sensitive and highly emotional, because they feel all of the feelings of everyone around them and can easily become overwhelmed. These individuals are here to experience the true range of human emotions through the experiences of others, through their own experiences, and through ...

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Undefined Ego Center

Oct 21, 2021

The undefined ego center means that you have inconsistent access to your willpower. Your desires shift and change, along with your concept of self-worth and personal value. You get to experience self-worth in an unlimited amount of ways, and sometimes that means that you do not feel worthy at times.

You are innately worthy because you are, even if you don’t feel like you are. You are not designed to force things to get done; you are designed to allow your desires to flow to you in divine timin...

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Undefined G Center

Oct 21, 2021

The undefined G center can sometimes make you feel like you are all over the place. You have an ever changing concept of who you are and where you are going. You are not limited to playing a single role in this lifetime, and you will notice that you shift and adapt based on the people you are around and the environment that you are in.

If you are in business, you have probably noticed that your “I help ___” statement changed every other week. This is because you could be just about anyone. So ...

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Undefined Head Center

Oct 19, 2021

When a center is undefined or open, it takes in that type of energy from around it. With an undefined or open head center, inspiration, ideas, mental pressure, and questions come from outside of the individual. These are people who are not designed to have original ideas, but instead to be inspired by the people around them and create what is missing. For example, I have seen hundreds of manifestation programs and dozens of human design courses, but nobody was teaching the combination of the two...

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