Undefined Throat Center

Oct 21, 2021

The undefined throat is one of the most rare centers to have undefined. With so many channels going to the throat, the majority of the population has this defined. That means that when this center is undefined, it is a huge center of conditioning.

The throat center deals with communication, attention, and manifestation. When this is undefined, the individual has the ability to speak in different voices, manifest in unlimited ways, and they can shift their communication style to mirror the...

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Defined Ajna Center

Oct 21, 2021

The defined ajna has a specific manner of seeing the world. Your default setting is really solid. Your mental state greatly affects your overall state. You are here to process and come to conclusions. You are designed to form opinions, tell your story, and captivate an audience with how you see things.

The beliefs that you have cultivated have been proven by your mental processing. You don’t just believe what you are told, you need to shift it into your own way of understanding....

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