For your offer to serve it needs to sell!

Let me guess… you have this amazing offer that you are over the moon excited about. Then you sit down to figure out how to tell people about your amazing idea and the result ends up being  a jumbled mess of words all over your sales page!

You’re probably trying to write out the “pain points” and “hook” or whatever else you were told you needed and it feels really forced.

You have an amazing offer, so why do you feel like you just can’t explain to others what it’s about?

Your offer may not be selling because what you see their problem as, is different than how they see their problem.


Their self talk doesn’t resonate with the words you are using.


Maybe you see that they need to heal their relationship with carbs but for your ideal client she just wants to drop those last five pounds.


Offer creation is about problem solving. You can use Human Design to identify exactly what your ideal client thinks their problem is.


When you use the marketing blueprint you can be certain in your sales copy. You will know that you are accurately communicating with your clients.


You will be able to make people say “Oh my gosh you are in my head!!” and if they resonate with what you are saying, the sale will be effortless.

Hi, I'm Eden

I spent three years trying to get a coaching business off the ground.

I spent so long searching for the answers and learning about strategy, and techniques, and marketing.

In three years I had made $0 total.

I had no idea what I was doing wrong, what I was supposed to do next, what direction to go, and I was constantly second guessing myself.

It was not that the content was bad, it was that I didn't know how to guide myself through life and business,

6 months after bringing Human Design into my business I had my first $10k month.

This did not happen because I learned everything about Human design or I suddenly became an expert.... it happened because I learned how to let my energy guide me.

And now, I want to teach you how to do the same.

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If you are ready to master your marketing language and truly connect with your ideal clients this is the guide for you!