EP41: Perfectionism and Self-Criticism

In this episode of The Energetics of Everything, Eden talks about how perfectionism and self-criticism show up in her human design chart and in her life. Learn more about gate 17 and gate 18 as she explores the repressive and reactive shadows of both, about how to counter this inside yourself and your business, and how perfectionism is not a destination, but a journey!


If you want more specifics on your design and want daily experiments while learning to follow your big sacral energy you are here to follow, check out Big Sacral Energy! This course started on January 21, but there is still time to sign up! Learn more here: Big Sacral Energy

If you are interested in learning more about human design and how it can impact your life, check into the Sacred Success Coaching Certification! This course is a deep dive into human design, and the only certification that Eden teaches! Learn more here: Sacred Success Coaching Certification


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