EP77: Q&A on the Defined Centers in Human Design

In this new episode, you hear about questions people from the community had about the defined centers in human design! You will hear a unique twist on conditioning: conditioning is a neutral experience of just exchanging energy and choosing how we want to operate.

You can also expect:

✨ An explanation on how both undefined and defined centers can experience conditioning, they just show up differently. When experiencing conditioning in the undefined centers, it tends to show up as the sensation of searching for something outside of ourselves, while defined centers, we tend to police ourselves, as someone has judged you somewhere along the way. 

✨ A description of the hierarchy of authorities in Human Design.

✨ An explanation on projected throat center energy, and how waiting for an invitation with that is important.

✨ What it looks like to have a Conscious Sun in an undefined center versus having a Conscious Sun in a defined center.

✨ A short look at how people that have a defined head and ajna don’t need to be more open minded, but it’s beneficial to be more clear minded.




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