EP78: Overcoming Fear of Rejection with 2/4 Mani Gen Paden Hughes

In this empowering installment, you will hear such a great conversation about overcoming the rejection of fear between Eden and Paden Hughes!

Hear about how they have overcome rejection throughout life as being raised in similar households, being too "woo-woo" for some, and just leaning into who they truly are.

They debrief some of their experiences from attending Spotlight Energetics together with Allyson Byrd. They talk about karma, witch wounds, and get to see Padens' story experience through the lens of human design

Paden is an author, speaker, and coach. She has an amazing story where she went from being a very successful business consult to discovering her spirituality, and having it change everything. You can learn more about that in her book, Take Two: How a Simple Daily Habit Increased My Health, Wealth, and Happiness


If you want to connect more with Paden, you can do so HERE!


Interested in booking a session with Eden? You can do so HERE!

Want to see where Eden started with the "Magic?" Learn more about MESSY! 

Keep an eye out for the new course that is launching now - MUNDANE MAGIC


50% Complete

Two Step

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