4 Month Human Design Coaching Certification Program
Next enrollment period opens in February 2022
If you are here… you are an outlier.
Human design is an advanced modality. It's not typically the first stop on the self-discovery journey.
And since you’re here, I’m going to assume that you are also not on the first stop of your own journey to becoming who you are meant to be.
You’re seasoned. You have experience. And now, you’re feeling that tug in your soul to continue on — to use what you know about human design to help others in their own lives.
But in order to do that… you have to apply what you’ve learned. You have to use that intuition you’ve been working so hard on.
Which is where this page comes in.
This isn’t your typical sales page.
And that’s because this isn’t your typical certification program (and let’s be honest… you're not the typical student, either!).
Most sales pages include too much information. They’re bogged down in details and nuances that create overwhelm, confusion, doubt, and questions, especially considering the majority of the world has an undefined head center.
If you’re here, then you value intuitive decision making, and you likely have at least some practice using your inner authority.
So consider this your first exercise of the certification. An exercise in self-trust. An exercise in using your authority to make a decision that’s right for you.
SSCC has learning tools to fit all learning types, as well as education on how to identify your own learning type so you can make the most out of the content.
It has an abundance of information and is taught in such a unique perspective that no matter your current knowledge around human design, you’ll learn something new.
And it’s helped over 60 students become confident and capable certified human design coaches in its first year.
Can you let your intuition guide you into this certification without knowing the exact topics, call schedule, resources, support, or bonuses?
Can you trust that the details don't matter?
Can you trust yourself?
Get on the waitlist!

I will teach you all I know about coaching people with human design (which is a LOT).
You will have lifetime access to all of the resources that are currently in the container and any I add.
The content has been created in essentially every format you can imagine for all learning types.
There is incredible live support as you go.
We are time zone inclusive.
Spots are limited (first come first serve).
There is an option to specialize after completion of the program in a growing number of areas (currently including business, gene keys, and manifestation)
There is an option to join my team of SSCC Educators after completion of the program.
The enrollment opens in February of 2022.
That’s all you get. Now, practice those intuitive skills.
You know what your inner authority is.
You know what your non-self theme is.
Follow the evidence in the energy and come to your conclusion intuitively about whether or not this program is aligned with your path.
Get on the waitlist!