Opinions are created around experiences that occur in early childhood that form due to conditioning. Our true nature is non-opinion based and being very deeply connected to consciousness. Most of the patterns you express are built up around the opinions that you learned in the first 7 years of your life. The shadow of this gate holds this opinion and aggressively filters your reality so that you can only see things that agree with your opinion. You see and experience only a life that is formed around this opinion, that may or might have been given to you by someone who didn't know that they were in charge of shaping their own reality. This shadow closes you off from seeing or experiencing anything that does not align with your opinion. You would be amazed at what passes for reason in the world that is truly just someone's opinion dressed in facts to justify what happened.
The Radiance
The higher frequency of this gate moves away from opinions and into open-mindedness. Alignment within this gate requires you to let go of your opinions and remember that nothing is ultimately true, false, right, wrong, good or bad. Things don't have to continue to be the way that they are just because that is the way they have been in the past. Patterns do not need to continue.
To let go of opinions, you need to stop taking life so seriously and so personally. The Universe is not out to get you! You don't have to be stuck in a cycle of feeling broke, frustrated, and jaded, just because you have existed like this for your whole life.
The collective patterns get to be reinterpreted with integrity for the truth through the high expression of this gate. The primary cause of human suffering is rooted in the opinions of gate 17 that looks for and only sees what is different. The evolution of the future starts in the heart instead of the mind. To get there, we have to transmute the shadows of the mind, the opinions, the patterns, and the duality we have collectively chosen as truth.
The highest expression of this gate is profound acceptance of truth. Whatever you decide is absolutely correct and in full harmony with all that is. If you choose service, you are correct. If you choose anger, you are correct. This gate is driving us towards understanding that all that is is divine and perfect exactly as it is, no matter what choices are made.
How to use this Energy
Over the next few days, we are being challenged to look at the opinions we are holding and defending. Now is a great time to reflect on what patterns you are experiencing, and ask yourself if they're truly serving you. Now is the time to choose a higher perspective that aligns with what you desire, instead of what you have previously experienced. Break the patterns through awareness and surrender.
Are you ready to go into this work? Quantum Calibration is a self-paced program designed to help you break the patterns that are holding you in the frequency of suffering.
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