Launching According to Your Human Design

Launching a program can be challenging, confusing, and overwhelming, especially when the entire world has an opinion about how to and how not to launch things. A launch is a period of time where you promote a specific offer. This is typically associated with some sort of urgency, such as a special price, a start date, or just the excitement of a new offer being created. Before you launch ANYTHING, there are some questions that you want to ask and some embodiment work that you can do.

As you prepare to launch your program, use your inner authority to make all of the critical decisions. Knowing how to make aligned decisions will be an extremely helpful tool to have in business, and especially during a launch! Some things to think about are when you want to launch, why you want to launch, what you want to launch, how you want to launch, and what you want to charge.


Find your authority below for some more specific tools to make decisions:  

  • Emotional authority: write down the questions you have on a piece of paper and come back in two days. How do you feel about your options now?
  • Sacral authority: write out all the options you have. Go one by one, hand on your chest and stomach. Ask, “Do I want to do this?” for each option.
  • Splenic authority: Write out each of the options. Look at the whole list, take it all in, and ask yourself what feels easiest.
  • Self-authority: write out all of the options and questions. Put your hands on your chest, and ask yourself what feels the most to you?
  • Ego authority: write out all the options you have and take a few deep breaths to clear your mind and energy. What is the selfish decision?
  • Mental projectors: write out all of your options. Find a friend that you can talk out your options with and bounce your ideas off of. Keep talking about it until you find clarity.
  • Reflectors: write down how you feel about the decision every day for a few days. See if it changes, see if it is consistent. Take as long as you need to feel certain.

Now there is one main point that I want to get across in this post and that is this: Launching in alignment has very little to do with what you do and a whole lot to do with how you show up.


We are talking about the energetics of launching, so now that you have (hopefully) used your inner authority to make the decisions about what, when, and how you want to launch a program, it is time for some inner work. When launching and selling, it is easy to get caught up in trying to manifest a specific outcome and pushing for a specific goal. I will tell you now that very few people are designed to force and push their way to a goal.

A launch is an opportunity to practice your alignment. This is a time where all of your undefined centers might be hyperaware of all the things you “lack” and where your defined centers will be hyperaware of just how “too much” you are. The inner work involves reminding yourself that you are enough, just the way you are and that you can be successful even without (whatever your *thing* is). It also involves reminding yourself that you might be too much for some people, but they are not your people, and if they want less, they can go find it. You are not responsible for changing who you are to make others more comfortable.

There is nothing you can do to make enrollments happen. This can either feel terrifying because it exposes your lack of control over the situation, or it can feel liberating because you recognize that you don’t have to do anything additional or special in order to allow enrollments to happen. You don’t have to do more in order to receive more. 

Sales is a team process. You have an offer that solves a specific problem, and you are attracting people who have the problem. You create the opportunity for them to solve their problem. That is all you are responsible for. The decision is up to them if they want to enroll or not. You cannot make the decision for them because you don’t know the full picture. Let their intuition make the decision. Give them space to tap into their intuition to decide when to enroll. 

Throughout the entire launch, tap into your human design strategy. What is available for you to respond to? What invitations are you feeling? Are you informing? What wisdom is available in the present moment? This is your go-to action step. When you are confused, maybe stressed or overwhelmed, come back to your strategy.


If you are interested in furthering your education on how to use your human design in business, check out my Aligned Launching program.

This is a FREE hour long training on how to map out your post aligned product launch ever!

Click here to get instant access to the training.


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