Sacral Authority

Around 30-35% of the population makes gut-based decisions through their sacral authority. The sacral center is the center of responsiveness. This is the center where a generator or manifesting generator responds with. If a generator or a manifesting generator has an undefined emotional center, the same place their strategy comes from will guide their decision making process as well. Some sources call these “pure” generators or manifesting generators because the sacral center truly rules how they operate. Sacral authorities run their actions and decisions according to their sacral center.

People with a sacral center operate in the moment. The sacral center is responsive and gives yes/no responses to any decision. It gives responses quickly and based on what is correct for you right now. It has no concept of the future, so it needs to have the freedom to change its mind later down the line.

Sacral authorities flirt with their decision. They don’t say “yes” to the entire decision, they say “yes” to what is right in front of them. These individuals are not designed to make five year contracts or ten year visions. They are designed to respond to what is correct for them right here and right now.  Sometimes this can feel like they flake out or change their mind at the last minute, and this can cause some shame around their decision making skills. Another common conditioning is sticking with something because you said “yes," even if it is no longer actually a “yes,” just for the sake of not wanting to go back on your word. 


Making Sacral Decisions
The sacral authority is responsive, which means it says yes," and it says “no”. This means that when someone asks the question, “What do you want?” to a sacral authority, they freeze and don’t know how to answer the question. You need to have things to respond to. You need to know your options, so your body can say “yes” or “no." Instead of “What do you want to eat,” you need a series of yes/no questions. “Do you want pizza?” No. “Do you want takeout?” No. “Do you want leftovers?” Yeah, let's do leftovers!

The biggest thing to remember about a sacral authority is to check back in often, and make it clear that you are only saying “yes” to the next step. You move one step at a time. This way. That way. Through this door. Close that door. This sometimes means that the Universe needs you to go in a certain direction, and in order to get you there, you need to say “yes” to something up to a certain point, and then say “no." 

Check in with yourself often, and allow yourself to change your mind. The thing about aligned decision making is that it truly is aligned for everyone involved. The universe likes efficiency, and it would be very inefficient if the correct thing for you screwed up everyone else’s alignment. If it is not aligned for you anymore, you are no longer of service and therefore it is no longer aligned for anyone else involved. Honor your “no's," even if it comes in an untimely moment.


Small Decisions
Since the sacral center is designed to respond in the moment, the small decisions will be relatively easy to make. The trick is to ask yes/no questions. When asking binary questions, you give your sacral center the space to actually respond to what it wants. “Yes, I want that for dinner.” “No, I don’t want to go to the gym today.”

No matter how small the decision is, it is important to keep in mind that the sacral center only acts in the present. That means that even a small decision of “Do you want to hang out on Friday?” felt like a “yes” yesterday, it can change. You don’t do well with planning ahead, and a pattern that shows up is feeling guilty for being flakey. It is important to honor your momentary decision, and still give yourself the option to change your mind if this decision no longer aligns with you down the road.

Your whole body may be screaming “yes” to wanting to go to a certain restaurant, and if you get to the parking lot and it says “no,” you have permission to change your mind and not feel guilty. When you give yourself this permission slip for the small decisions, it is easier to allow yourself this permission with the bigger decisions. To recap, don’t make the final decision until you are in the moment, and give yourself the freedom to change your mind later on.


Big Decisions 
Sometimes your brain may want to come in and make this big decision for you. If your whole body says “yes” to something immediately, your instinct may be to pull back and give yourself more time to think it through. The goal for you is to be able to trust those immediate instincts. If you are offered a job that is halfway across the world and your energy lights up, the goal is to be able to trust your sacral center enough to say “yes” in that moment.

This is something you get to work up to. You get to practice with this. Pay close attention to what your initial reaction is, what it feels like, and how your body responds. As you go through the motions of your decision making process, pay attention to if that initial reaction was correct. When first getting started, say “yes” to the next step. Say “yes” to thinking about it. Say “yes” to investigating it. Say “yes” to taking it seriously. Then, say “yes” to taking action on it.

Going in phases in this beautiful, responsive, and flirtatious manner is how your energy is designed to work. Inform the other person that in that moment it is a “yes,” but that you want to give yourself time to process a little more. For these big decisions, when it comes down to the line, trust your gut.



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