Defined Ego Center

Oct 21, 2021

When the ego center is defined, you are designed to carry the frequency of desire, willpower, and worthiness. You have consistent access to your own willpower and can't force things to happen. This is not a bad thing, because collectively we need a balance of both masculine and feminine energy.

You are designed to have strong desires. Your desires are what connects you to the divine. Your desires were put on your heart for a reason: to guide you to where you are supposed to be. The process...

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Undefined G Center

Oct 21, 2021

The undefined G center can sometimes make you feel like you are all over the place. You have an ever changing concept of who you are and where you are going. You are not limited to playing a single role in this lifetime, and you will notice that you shift and adapt based on the people you are around and the environment that you are in.

If you are in business, you have probably noticed that your “I help ___” statement changed every other week. This is because you could be just...

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Undefined Throat Center

Oct 21, 2021

The undefined throat is one of the most rare centers to have undefined. With so many channels going to the throat, the majority of the population has this defined. That means that when this center is undefined, it is a huge center of conditioning.

The throat center deals with communication, attention, and manifestation. When this is undefined, the individual has the ability to speak in different voices, manifest in unlimited ways, and they can shift their communication style to mirror the...

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Defined Throat Center

Oct 21, 2021

When you have a conversation, you have a thought or feeling about what the other person said. You are not necessarily responding to what they said, but how what they said makes you feel. All types, except for reflectors, can have this center defined, and manifestors and manifesting generators will have this center defined.

This center is known as a manifestation center because it is this portal between the inner and outer world. When we want to manifest something physical, we want to bring...

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Undefined Ajna Center

Oct 21, 2021

The undefined ajna center is unlimited in its perspective. You can quite literally hold multiple perspectives at the same time, play devil's advocate, and guide perspectives in a unique way. This center deals with perspectives, beliefs, and opinions.

Having this open means that you are open to seeing things from many different perspectives, and you have the ability to help others see things differently as well. You can open the minds of others and help them see abundance instead of scarcity....

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Defined Ajna Center

Oct 21, 2021

The defined ajna has a specific manner of seeing the world. Your default setting is really solid. Your mental state greatly affects your overall state. You are here to process and come to conclusions. You are designed to form opinions, tell your story, and captivate an audience with how you see things.

The beliefs that you have cultivated have been proven by your mental processing. You don’t just believe what you are told, you need to shift it into your own way of understanding....

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Conscious and Unconscious Designs

Oct 21, 2021

The quantum human design chart takes into consideration two dates: your birth date and your design date. The design date is based on the birth date, and is calculated based on the position of the sun at the moment you were born. The design date is 88 degrees away from the conscious sun in the rave mandala.

The black lines on your human design chart represent what gates each planet was activating the moment you were born. The moment that you are born is the moment your soul enters your body....

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Undefined Head Center

Oct 19, 2021

When a center is undefined or open, it takes in that type of energy from around it. With an undefined or open head center, inspiration, ideas, mental pressure, and questions come from outside of the individual. These are people who are not designed to have original ideas, but instead to be inspired by the people around them and create what is missing. For example, I have seen hundreds of manifestation programs and dozens of human design courses, but nobody was teaching the combination of the...

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Defined Head Center

Oct 19, 2021

The defined head center has a consistent connection to inspiration, and is very inquisitive. These individuals deal with mental stress in a consistent manner and impact others with their ideas. The way that these people think, ask questions, and process ideas inspires everyone around them. They may find themselves talking about a new program they are enrolling in, or a new favorite recipe they have found, and then all of the sudden they see everyone around them following their lead. They...

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How I Run My Business According to My Design

Oct 08, 2021

Running your business according to your energetic blueprint is an act of spiritual selfishness. Often times the choices you will find yourself making to align with your energy don’t make sense from a logistic standpoint. If you care about what other people think, then this can cause you to doubt what feels correct and choose the conventional path instead of facing your own discomfort and identity boundaries. This is spiritual because you have to constantly transcend your own limitations...

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