Abundance is Contagious

Nov 18, 2021

When I first started working on my relationship to money, I wanted to share what I was learning with everyone, especially those close to me. I was feeling better about myself and my financial future for the first time ever, and I felt like everyone needed to experience it too. So I tried to push it on others and convince them that they should do it. I was met with a LOT of resistance. After I got frustrated, I decided to redirect that energy into my own process and growth. 

What I...

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Defined Throat Center

Oct 21, 2021

When you have a conversation, you have a thought or feeling about what the other person said. You are not necessarily responding to what they said, but how what they said makes you feel. All types, except for reflectors, can have this center defined, and manifestors and manifesting generators will have this center defined.

This center is known as a manifestation center because it is this portal between the inner and outer world. When we want to manifest something physical, we want to bring...

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Defined Ajna Center

Oct 21, 2021

The defined ajna has a specific manner of seeing the world. Your default setting is really solid. Your mental state greatly affects your overall state. You are here to process and come to conclusions. You are designed to form opinions, tell your story, and captivate an audience with how you see things.

The beliefs that you have cultivated have been proven by your mental processing. You don’t just believe what you are told, you need to shift it into your own way of understanding....

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Environmental Authority

Sep 21, 2021

Here we are getting into a very rare percentage of projectors known as mental projectors. A mental projector will have any combination of the throat center, ajna center, and head center combined. This means they can have all three or just two, and they are still a mental projector. Because nobody is designed to make decisions from their minds, these individuals need to get their decisions outside of them so they can analyze and observe it. This way they can pick up on how the decision...

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