The ego authority starts to become even more rare. Here, we are dealing with a very small percentage of projectors and manifestors. If the ego center connects to the G center through the channel of initiation (25-51), this will be an ego projector. If the ego center connects to the throat center through the money channel (21-45), this will be an ego manifestor. If the ego connects to the G center and the G center also connects to the throat center, this will be an ego manifestor, just through...
The spleen is the oldest awareness center in the bodygraph. This governs the awareness of the body. We as humans became aware of our physical surroundings, our safety, and what is healthy far before we developed a sense of mental or spiritual awareness. This splenic center is a deeply intuitive and ancient method of authority. It guides a select group of projectors and manifestors through their decision making process with a deep sense of inner knowing.
When the emotional center is...
Around 30-35% of the population makes gut-based decisions through their sacral authority. The sacral center is the center of responsiveness. This is the center where a generator or manifesting generator responds with. If a generator or a manifesting generator has an undefined emotional center, the same place their strategy comes from will guide their decision making process as well. Some sources call these “pure” generators or manifesting generators because the sacral center truly...
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